Hello everyone!
NUCD Selection for Medical Study Program Level was successfully conducted today in FK ULM, and on behalf of the Adjudication Core and Organizing Committee we’d like to express our deepest gratitudes for all participants, without whom the event would never have been able to run as well as it did. We hope this competition has been constructive as a learning process for all the participants involved, and encourage the immensely talented young debaters we saw throughout the competition to aim for even bigger and greater things in the future.
We are happy to congratulate this year’s laureates on their achievement:
Team A: Muhammad Daffa Ibnurasyi and Ovimillia Anindia Tasya
Team B: Ahmad Syauqi Pahriza and Gracellia Sujata
These teams will advance to Faculty Level Selection at 7th February 2019. A special thank you to Lena Rosida MD, Lisda Hayatie, Widya, MD and Nurul Agustina who designed this year’s event. Once again, thank you for all of the parties involved and We hope to see you again in next year’s iteration!
Signing off,
Adjudication Core
Husnul Khatimah , MD
Meitria Syahadatina Noor, MD, PhD
Pandji Winata Nurikhwan, MD